Friday, April 24, 2009

Brown praying mantis

Yesterday afternoon when I came home my brother was in the front yard holding a praying mantis, and with his camera gear. I went to get my camera and took these. It was quite a challenge to get a focussed image since the light conditions were overcast and the critter was moving all the time. It even climbed onto my camera at one point!

Brown Praying Mantis
digital photograph, hand held, ISO 200, 1/250, f3.5

Portrait of a Brown Praying Mantis
digital photograph, hand held, ISO 200, 1/250, f3.5

In case you're wondering, my brother had green texta on his finger. The insect had just caught a bee and ate it. It was the catching part and the ensuing buzzing that alerted my brother to its presence.

The praying mantis is a really useful garden bug to have since they act as a natural pest control. They move with a backwards and forwards motion as if swaying with the breeze, a bit like a chameleon and for the same reason - to maintain their camouflage. Our father always told us they are good to have around, so we have a childhood instilled respect for them.

Long time readers of this blog may recall I photograph I took a 3 years ago of a green praying mantis eating a blow fly. Fascinating critters :)

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